This Scriptorium, a “place for writing,” functions as a class for writers interested in improving their critical essay-writing skills. We will read to write and write to read. Much of our time will be occupied with writing and revising—essai means “trial” or “attempt”—as we work to create new habits and productive strategies for our analytical writing. As we write in various essay structures with the aim of developing a persuasive, well-supported thesis statement, we will also revise collaboratively, improve our research and citation skills, and study grammar and style. Our learning goals include practicing to write with complexity, imagination, and clarity, as we read and look at model examples of form and content on the theme of Monsters. We will study short stories, tales, poems, plays, films, as well as some history and theory on monsters. Our readings may include the following authors: Margaret Atwood, Eula Biss, Octavia Butler, Angela Carter, Donna Haraway, bell hooks, Cathy Park Hong, Franz Kafka, Clarice Lispector, Nina MacLaughlin, Kobena Mercer, Alice Munro, Ovid, Patricia Pinho, Elaine Scarry, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Riki Anne Wilchins.
Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcomes:
-- An awareness of how representations of monsters of all kinds are often cultural metaphors.
--A practice of the skills to draft an essay; develop a thesis statement; integrate various grammar and style elements; do research; add citations; and to revise and polish the final essay.
--The ability to inquire about our readings in critical and creative ways, to write critically and personally about our texts, and to think analytically about our topic.
--The process of editing essays collaboratively, creating a writing community, and working with the Peer Writing Tutors.
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 2
T/F 2:10PM - 4:00PM (1st seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years
Categories: 2000 , All courses , First Seven Week , Fully In-Person , Two Credit , Writing
Tags: analytical writing , critical race theory , critical writing , film , gender studies , media studies , monsters , writing intensive