Market Structure (PEC2277.01) (new time as of 11/18/2022)

Lopamudra Banerjee
M/Th 8:00AM-9:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Hybrid

Graduate Research in Dance (DAN5305.01)

Dana Reitz
TBA (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

History of Theater II (DRA2282.01)

Maya Cantu
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Introduction to Dramaturgy (DRA4281.01)

Maya Cantu
W 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Working With Light (DRA2234.01)

Michael Giannitti
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (1st seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person