Ballet Anarchy (DAN4181.01) (cancelled 9/28/2023)

Kota Yamazaki & Mina Nishimura

This course is designed for students who have some ballet experience and are familiar withballet terms and movement vocabulary.

While following basic structure and vocabularies that are being used in a traditional ballet class, this course, accompanied by non-traditional music scores such as pop music, offers an opportunity to recalibrate, reactivate, improve, deepen, expand, develop or break existing relationships with and approaches to ballet practice.

To relax and liberate our minds and bodies from the mentality often attached to perfecting a form and following a certain manner, some improvisational and experimental exercise and contemporary dance phrases will interrupt and redirect the traditional flow.

Learning Outcomes:
-Expand perspectives on ballet and dance
-Learn how to condition body and mind through consistent physical training
-Be able to cultivate and move upon a sense of freedom and uniqueness while engaging in the technical aspect of ballet practice
-Understand centered and off-centered physicality
-Be able to develop original movement and improvisational practice with inspiration from what ballet offers

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Previous ballet training (over 5 yrs) is required in order to register for the class. For inquiry and permission, please contact the instructor Kota Yamazaki ( with description about your prior ballet and dance training and experience.
Corequisites: Dance or Drama lab assignment if students sign up for 4 or more credits in designated dance courses.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 2
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency: Every Term

Categories: 4000 , All courses , Cancelled Courses , Dance , Fully In-Person , Two Credit , Updates
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