The Life of Plaster (SCU2308.02) (cancelled 9/15/2023)

John Umphlett

This seven week intensive class will be focused on understanding some basic methods for working with plaster. We will look at a variety of gypsum products and identify their similarities and differences. Plaster can have an amazing way of mimicking life both in the mixing and setting process as well as the ability to copy through casting. In this class, we will investigate and understand how to use the many plastic states at which plaster transforms. Each state of transformation gives clues in how they can be used and by what methods could be included for building work. We will screed, make molds, cast and shape the plaster through 4 deliberate projects. In this experiential seven week intensive course you will be taken through the processes of working with plaster and understand the methods and techniques for the safe handling of those processes. This is a project based class with a focus on active studio practice. This class will include both group projects and personal projects set out to be defined in a way that highlights your practice with the material and creativity. You will be graded on attentiveness to instruction, safety practice, and effort.

Learning Outcomes:
Learning openness and confidence through uncertainty
Understanding the real world design considerations and team building skills when working in an active goal oriented group
Realizing how an effective collaborator can build a healthy positive work environment.

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 2
F 8:30AM - 12:10PM (2nd seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 14
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years

Categories: 2000 , All courses , Cancelled Courses , Fully In-Person , Sculpture , Second Seven Week , Two Credit , Updates
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