Learn how and why ceramic glazes work. This course focuses on the science behind glazes. No more myths and legends about how glazes work, only facts and science. The course provides information and science to help students utilize glazes in ways that will help them take control of materials and advance their work.
This course is a hybrid in-person, online course consisting of recorded lectures and assignments to be completed within ceramics glaze lab. Students will engage with the teacher and other students during the bi-weekly, live, online discussions. During this time, students will discuss the questions from the class that arise, as well as explore experiments and the studio in general. In addition, students are provided with discussion forum for each lecture, so they may start the conversation, there and then.
Learning Outcomes:
This course aims to develop a basic understanding of the following:
1. ceramic materials and their chemistry, origins, properties, and functions;
2. the tenants of heat and temperature as related to ceramic performance;
3. glaze formulas, analysis, and performance;
4. glaze flaws, their identification, and corrections; and 5) the function of ceramic oxides and color.
Delivery Method: Hybrid
Students must have completed at least one 2000 level course in Ceramics. Please contact Anina Major (aninamajor@bennington.edu) for registration.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 4
F 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency: One time only
Categories: 4000 , All courses , Ceramics , Four Credit , Hybrid , New Courses , Updates