Intermediate Voice (MVO4301.02, section 2)

Virginia Warnken Kelsey

For students of varying levels of singing ability. Vocal production and physiology will be discussed. Group warm-ups and vocalizations will incorporate exercises to develop breath control, resonance, projection, range, color, and agility. The fundamental concepts of singing will be explored in the preparation of specific song assignments. Personalization of text and emotional expression will be addressed. Students will study and perform classical song literature (including early Italian songs, 17-18th century arias and repertoire in several languages) to strengthen and to facilitate technical growth before moving on to other contemporary styles of their choice. Students should have previous voice experience and/or study, and some music literacy. Students will maintain a written record of their process and progress throughout the term. Class will be taught in a combination of group classes and individual private lessons with the instructor. Students will also have an individual half-hour coaching session with a pianist every other week to work on repertoire.

Learning Outcomes:
Functional training in vocal technique as appropriate to varied musical styles
Increased refinement of repertoire and performance
Understanding of body mechanics and alignment as applied to singing

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Audition required. Students should prepare a short, simple a cappella song or excerpt (1-3 minutes length) that shows their range, vocal color, and expressive abilities. To schedule an audition, use this link. If you have any questions, please email and
Corequisites: Attendance and performance at Music Workshop Tuesday 6:30-8:00 PM
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 2
Tu 10:30AM - 12:20PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 5
Course Frequency: Every Term

Categories: 4000 , All courses , Fully In-Person , Two Credit , Voice