Processing and Making in Rhino 7 is an introductory course in Digital Fabrication using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) equipment. This course will explore the use of 3D Printers, CNC Laser Cutters, and CNC Routers to create custom objects modeled in Rhino 7. The course will cover the necessary workflows and parameters used for each machine, as well as general maintenance, material management, and best practices. This course aims to build technical skills and consider aesthetics, functionality, and design concepts. Its ultimate goal is a feedback loop between conceptual development, workflow, and the generation of 3D Fabricated Models. This course will culminate in a project that leverages each of the outputs taught in this class.
Learning Outcomes:
Gain a working knowledge of the Computer Aided Design software Rhino 7 as it relates to 3D printing and CNC machines.
Understand the different workflows and outputs associated with the programs.
Build experience translating 3D models into printed objects and CNC cut objects.
Practice building 3D outputs in practical applications.
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Modeling and Thinking in Rhino 7 OR verified equivalent expertise in 3D modeling software. Contact faculty to register for the course:
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 2
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (1st seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Course Frequency: Once a year
Categories: 4000 , All courses , Cancelled Courses , First Seven Week , Fully In-Person , Two Credit , Updates
Tags: 3D Modeling , art , CNC Manufacturing , design , making