Sometimes called apolitical or ahistorical, many of Pedro Almodóvar’s luscious films have met with consternation, if not distain, by Spanish critics. Yet Almodóvar leads the jury for the 2017 Cannes film festival. In fact, Spanish film scholar Paul Julian Smith notes that while “Pedro Almodóvar is now the most successful Spanish filmmaker of all time, whether that success is measured in terms of commercial or creative capital, […he…] remains a prophet without honour in his home country” (in Desire Unlimited: The Cinema of Pedro Almodóvar).
In this course, we will uncover the hidden political realities that inform the director’s oeuvre. An anarchic extrovert and flamboyant auteur, Almodóvar has long exploited cinema as a means of provoking social change. His films roughly span the years of Spain’s post-dictatorship (1977-present) and must be situated within this highly charged context of dramatic political and cultural transformation. While his early screwball comedies flaunt the freedom of the era, his more recent films have grown more ambitious and serious, with his most restrained film to date being an adaptation of Alice Munro. The course will also address how Almodóvar’s work theorizes issues such as gender and sexuality, power and the body, visual pleasure, religion and its abuse, consumerism, authenticity, high and low culture, and film authorship itself. Readings, most in Spanish, will inform rigorous discussion on all of these topics.
Advisory: Students should be aware that some of the films contain graphic images of a sexual or violent nature.
Learning Outcomes:
Hacer preguntas relevantes y convincentes.
Desarrollar la habilidad crítica de estudiar una cultura, una literatura, una historia
Descubrir teorías preeminentes que informan la interpretación del cine
Presentar ideas originales e interpretativas de textos
Elaborar la composición y aprender a desarrollar un argumento coherente por escrito
Orientar textos (cinematográficos) en su contexto socio-cultural
Descubrir elementos de la historia, la política, el cine, y la cultura de España
Mejorar la sofisticación de la lengua española por escrito
Poder entender palabras desconocidas según el contexto
Incorporar patrones lingüísticos al mirar ejemplos en contexto
Desarrollar las habilidades auditivas y de comprensión de lectura
Mejorar la gramática; expandir el conocimiento de las estructuras complejas
Desarrollar las habilidades de escritura y expresión oral académicas (el discurso formal, la composición, y la argumentación)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Low-intermediate coursework in Spanish at Bennington, or please contact the instructor at
Corequisites: Attendance at 2 Language Series events.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 4
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years
Categories: 4000 , All courses , Cancelled Courses , Four Credit , Fully In-Person , Updates
Tags: auteur , Camp , Film , gender , History , politics , sexuality , Spain , Spanish , violence