“…every form of making a world through our encounters with things is fully multi-modal. It is principally a mixture of modes of know-how (technê) and modes of know-what (epistêmê) with more complex combinations of the two wherein the hard distinction between technique and episteme collapses.”
—Reza Negarestani, What does it take to make anything at all?
This is a projects class for advanced students who are developing a body of work that requires regular or frequent use of both digital manipulation and physical making. Moving between digital processes (image manipulation, spatial modeling, parametric design) and physical processes involves various adaptations, transformations, and approximations. Regardless of the translation, each movement is a moment for invention, and an opportunity to make meaning. This is not a course for work that is purely digital—rather, a workshop for people interested in developing the relationship between the digital tools that they use, and methods and processes of working by hand (or physically) of their own creation. Students will be required to participate in regular critique, demonstrate engagement with a sustained (material and conceptual) research question, and develop their ideas through readings and discussion. This course may be taken alongside another advanced VA workshop or projects course (as long as students do not exceed the two, 4-credit VA studio/term limit).
Learning Outcomes:
- developing habits and methods of working (that you can describe) that involve both digital and manual work.
- encountering the possibilities that arise and the compromises that have to be made while translating between digital and manual modes of working.
- an introduction to various artists who consider the problem of technology and poetics in their work.
- learning how to identify the marks, leftovers, or tracks left by machines and software that participate in creative decision making, and asking when and to what extent to hide or show these.
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
- At least two prior advanced VA courses.
- Please apply with a brief statement (500 words) describing things you would like to work on and digital and physical processes that are currently part of your work. You may include up to 3 images in your proposal. Proposals should be sent to farhadmirza@bennington.edu preferably by December 1st.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 4
W 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years
Categories: 4000 , All courses , Cancelled Courses , Four Credit , Fully In-Person , Updates