Have you ever wanted to understand how to safely build some of the most basic things in your life and not know where to start?
This seven-week course is recommended for students interested in developing their technical skills by introducing building methods and understanding strategies within the wood-shop.. This class is designed for beginners who would like to understand how to utilize Bennington College’s Visual Arts wood-shop as a resource to support Sculpture and other classes in Visual Arts. . There will be fundamental introductions to working with wood and general shop safety, with a focus on design. Processes such as joinery, shaping , joining, planing, scraping, and laminating will be covered, as well as basic construction methods.. We will do so by understanding how to safely use all the stationary equipment and hand-tools within the wood-shop tool room. Not only will we learn how to use the equipment , but we will be taught how to maintain the shop with proper care and cleaning protocols.. This course is project-based and students will be evaluated on their ability to use shop tools with proficiency and respect as well as understand safety procedures.
Learning Outcomes:
Confidence Building
Building effective real world skills that help empower independence
Problems solving skills that can effectively help you make more informed decisions
Life Skills
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 2
F 8:30AM - 12:10PM (1st seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 14
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years
Categories: 2000 , All courses , Cancelled Courses , First Seven Week , Fully In-Person , Sculpture , Two Credit , Updates
Tags: building , making , sculpture , wood