Form Finding Fiction (ARC2131.01)

Sophie Nichols (new faculty as of 8/26/2021)

This studio will serve as an introduction to the discipline of architectural exploration through drawing, model making and form-finding. We will begin with a series of abstract exercises which will explore the ways in which we see and express tactility of objects and the material world. We will endeavour to uncover ways in which meaning is embedded, form is developed, and narrative is expressed through drawing and analysis. As the course progresses, our two dimensional studies will move into the 3d, and culminate in the design of an enclosure to be sited on campus.

Interested students should contact Donald Sherefkin with any questions.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will learn to observe and represent form, colour, texture and light graphically as well architecturally and through that learn to the principles of architectural representation and form making.

Delivery Method: Remotely accessible
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 4
M, 1:40PM-5:20PM (new time as of 8/26/2021) (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 14
Course Frequency: One time only

Categories: All courses , Architecture , Remotely Accessible , Updates