This is designed for those who are interested in excavating and investigating their own ways of moving. By becoming more grounded, more aware and more observant, students will be able to experience presence in motion. We will be thoroughly exploring, modifying, rearranging, expanding and ultimately reconsidering how we move. While creating small movement scenarios, students will have the chance to take any movement made “for a ride.” We will uncover its impulses, its travel time, and its overall nature, and pay close attention to detail, nuance, and finesse.
Many of the short movement studies will be created in response to objects, locations, animal movement, observed qualities of movement, examples of humor and surprise, among other prompts. Students are expected to make new movement material, develop work outside of class, teach some of the work to others, and, in return, learn material from others. They will show their studies regularly, respond to the work of classmates, write about aspects involved in their working processes, and draw (while observing others and while working in their own studio practices). On occasion, students may create short video works/recordings. Open to students of all disciplines.
Learning Outcomes:
Finding and exploring personal ways of moving
Noticing the movement of others
Learning to articulate, verbally and visually, what one notices Expanding one’s movement range and dynamics with keen attention to details
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Corequisites: Dance or Drama Lab Assignment if students are registered for 4 or more credits in Dance
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 2
T/F 10:30AM - 12:20PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Course Frequency: Once a year
Categories: All courses , Dance , Fully In-Person
Tags: exploring , improvising , Making , moving