Transformative Justice: Changing Ourselves and the World (APA2252.01)

Alisa Del Tufo
  • Transformative justice is a set of theories and practices that offers a new approach to changing systems and institutions. These methods reflect the values of  restorative practices generally: accountability, empathy, positive communication and healing. In this era of challenging culture cultural expressions Transformative Justice offers us ways to strengthen and maintain our humanity while working to change the world.
Transformative justice recognizes that the means of change must incorporate and embody the values and goals that we seek in that change. This approach focuses on the importance of our own intentions and our choice of methods as well as the systems, policies or practices that require change.A general knowledge of restorative justice and practices are welcome, along with interest in social change and personal reflection.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Basic theories of Restorative Justice
2. How restorative justice theory and practice evolved into Transformative Justice
3. Social Movement Theory
4. How Transformative Justice theory and practice can build more effective movements
5. What are the ways that these practices can support personal and collective wellbeing

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 4
M/Th 3:40PM - 5:30PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years

Categories: Advancement of Public Action , All courses , Fully In-Person