Throughout this course students will learn how to use the Epson 3880 and P800 printers to create high quality prints from their existing digital image files. Using adjustment layers in Photoshop, students will focus on color correcting, sharpening, and modifying curves in their images. While getting familiar with preparing their files for printing, students will also learn how to troubleshoot some common issues that may arise when creating prints. We will go over different paper textures and sizing options, bringing attention to intentionality when printing. This course will enable the student to push their images beyond the digital realm and have them exist as tangible objects. In preparation for the first class, students should select 10 of their photographs that they would like to print, and should have these files accessible via the cloud or external hard drive. Ideally these images should be saved as RAW ,TIFF, or PSD files, however, JPG and HEIC are also acceptable. Prior coursework in photography is suggested but not required.
Learning Outcomes:
• Become proficient in printing image files using Adobe Photoshop
• Experiment with different sizes and surfaces of inkjet paper
• Use critical thinking to justify printing choices
• Gain knowledge of artists who work with inkjet prints in a nonlinear way
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 2
F 2:10PM - 5:50PM (2nd seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Course Frequency: Once a year
Categories: All courses , Photography