Papermaking With Plants (SCU2304.01)
Lily Carone
M 3:40PM - 5:30PM & W 4:10PM - 6:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
M 3:40PM - 5:30PM & W 4:10PM - 6:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Looking closer; making work (SCU4122.01)
John Umphlett
T 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
T 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Senior Projects (MCO4376.01) (day/time updated as of 10/9/2023)
Joseph Alpar
M/Th 7:00PM-8:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
M/Th 7:00PM-8:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person