American Theater NEXT (DRA4422.01)

Jenny Rohn

American theaters and theater-makers are at an extraordinary crossroads – struggling to respond to the pandemic which has shut their doors, and to the 29-page list of demands written after George Floyd’s murder entitled We See You White American Theater. Broadway theaters aren’t planning on opening until the summer of 2021, and theater companies across the country are seeking ways to communicate with their audiences and keep theater viable as an art form. What will theater look like when audiences return? Will it be a more democratic, inclusive, accessible, antiracist theater? What is YOUR vision of the theater that you would like to see and create? In this course, we will examine times in our history that the theater has had to remake itself. We will consider the future of on-line theater, the calls for a new Federal Theater Project, existing funding and leadership structures, and all of the demands in We See You White American Theater.

We will engage in numerous conversations with guest theater-makers in order to navigate the rapidly evolving theatrical landscape and with these guests, we will imagine a revolutionized American theater.

Learning Outcomes:

Delivery Method: Entirely remote (synchronous)
Prerequisites:Permission of the instructor.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 4
W 10:00AM - 11:50AM & W 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 14
Course Frequency: One time only

Categories: All courses , Drama , Entirely Remote