This scriptorium, a “place for writing,” functions as a class for writers interested in improving their critical essay-writing skills. We will read to write and write to read. Much of our time will be occupied with writing and revising—essai means “trial” or “attempt”—as we work to create new habits and strategies for our analytical writing. We will write in various essay structures with the aim of developing a well-supported thesis; in addition, we will revise collaboratively, improve our research and citation skills, and study grammar and style. Our learning goals include practicing to write with complexity, imagination, and clarity, as we read model examples of form and content on the theme of Aesthetics. How is Beauty, for example, defined, critiqued, or reimagined? Who determines what is beautiful or ugly, true or false, zany or boring, cute or monstrous? How do cultural and historical contexts codify these aesthetic categories? What is the structure of the perception of Beauty or Ugliness? How do these aesthetics affect us and change us?
Learning Outcomes:
• Improve your ability to read and analyze a variety of texts about aesthetics, representing a range of voices and styles
• Learn about and practice grammar, revision, and research and citation skills
• Write in various styles, including personal reflections, close readings, and longer, revised essays
• Develop a persuasive, well-supported thesis statement
• Use the resources in Crossett Library
• Work collaboratively with your colleagues to revise and edit your writing
• Try new and productive habits of reading and writing
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 4
T/F 10:30AM - 12:20PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years
Categories: All courses , Fully In-Person , Writing
Tags: #aesthetics , #criticalwriting , #disabilitystudies , #genderstudies , #queertheory , #racestudies , grammar , intersectionality , Research , Writing