American Environmental Politics (POL2109.01)

John Hultgren
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Biological Clocks (BIO4132.01)

Blake Jones
W 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Biological Invasions (BIO2123.02) (new faculty as of 8/16/2022)

Sara Bebus
M/Th 3:40PM - 5:30PM (2nd seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Introduction To Quantitative Reasoning and Modeling (MAT2102.01) (cancelled as of 5/3/2022)

Kathryn Montovan
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Nature and Artifice (ARC2112.01)

Donald Sherefkin
Tu 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Pandemic and the World Economy (PEC2209.01) (new time and credits as of 8/23/2022)

Lopamudra Banerjee
T/F 10:30AM - 12:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully remote

Practicum in Environmental Justice (APA2111.01)

David Bond
F 8:30AM-10:20AM, plus additional nightly zoom sessions (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Zoology (with Lab) (BIO2121.01)

Blake Jones
T/F 10:30AM-12:20PM, T 2:10PM-5:50PM (Lab) (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person