Thresholds of Identity offers the study of novels and films of Spanish migration, domestic and international, through contextualized engagement with selected contemporary texts. Our primary literature and films correspond to each of three recent Spanish migratory trends: 1) mass movement from rural to urban areas in the early twentieth century 2) emigration from Spain during and after the Civil War and 3) immigration to Spain during and after the nation’s transition to democracy. Throughout, we support a nuanced understanding of these experiences through the lens of individual and collective identity studies. Students in this course have the opportunity to select and share works connected to their own interdisciplinary investigations.
This course focuses on student-generated discussion and critical thinking about texts and concepts, and students learn to defend their ideas in spoken and written language. Intermediate-high level. Conducted in Spanish.
Learning Outcomes:
Delivery Method: Hybrid in-person and remote, with faculty in-person
Prerequisites:Spanish 4 at Bennington or permission of instructor.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 4
T/F 8:30AM-12:10PM (2nd seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 18
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years
Categories: All courses , Spanish
Tags: culture , film , identity , literature , Migration , reading , Spain , Spanish , writing